Several Estates,One Family spirit

All our Estates are managed according to the same principle and we wish to convey values from our agricultural values and more particularly the ones from being winegrowers by defending what is dear to us:

  • Quality and “Vigneron” Know-How–the Vineyard and the wine above all.
  • Cultivation practices taking into account the environment and heritage.
  • Social Accountability.
  • Complete control from the vine to the glass with respect for the consumer.
  • Independence both economic and decision-making–no investors or external decision-maker.We own 100% of our domains and land.
Our values - Famille Quiot
Our values - Famille Quiot

Our logo: a vinestock with 4 bearing branches

  • The vine: First of all we are winegrowers showing respect for our land. Our wines are products of character, rich with terroir and culture.
  • The 4 bearing branches: this represents the Quiot Family from 2003 to 2018, years when the development and structuring of the company was very important. The activity was then based on the 4 members of the Quiot Family: Geneviève andJérôme (the parents) Florence and Jean-Baptiste (the children).The vinestock is extended by the 4 members of the Quiot Family, which materializes the interaction between man and vine, between the know-how and the gift of nature, the two being one and the same. Each one influencing the other. Despite Jérôme’s passing in 2018, the spirit lives on and the logo remains the same.

Florence and Jean-Baptiste: the 13th Generation

  • Today, Florence and Jean-Baptiste are the owners of the vineyards and are involved in the day-to-day activities.
    Jean-Baptiste, the eldest, graduated as a viti-vini engineer in October 2001. He then joined the company to take care of all the vineyards and wine cellars. Married, he has 2children, Alexandra, born in 2008 and Jérôme-Hadrien, born in 2015. His passions: reading, motor boating, skiing and Astronomy.
  • Florence, 5 years his junior, holds a Master degree in WineBusiness. Her daughter, Nolwenn was born in 2003. Florence joined the company the same year. Today, she takes care of all declarative, administrative, commercial and legal activities. Her passions: beekeeping, development of various agricultural projects in remote areas.Both, in their early childhood, used to participate in the work of the different estates(cellar on weekends, during the harvest, packaging or administrative tasks for occasional help).
Our values - Famille Quiot
Our values - Famille Quiot

Our wines around the world

Historically, in the 1980s, our bottled wines were all destined for foreign markets. Since then, we remained mainly exporters and are organized according to this typicality.
To date, our production is shipped to more than thirty countries, up to 95 to 97%. Our main customers are in North America and Scandinavia. Our products can be found in allEuropean countries but also in Eastern Europe, in Oceania, in some Asian,Central andLatin American countries. Our customers are very diverse: from the state monopoly to wine merchants or restaurateurs, geographically close orinNew Zealand… but all have one thing in common, respect for our values and the will to share our wine traditions

Respect for our Heritage and Respect for our Terroirs.

One of our leitmotiv is to respect what our ancestors did and what nature gives us.
Determined not to concede to the fashion for labels for economic reasons, we prefer to adapt our farming methods to a fragile balance that wavers between economic constraints and respect for the environment. Everything is a question of dosage, balance, arbitrations and we are required to adapt ourselves on a daily base. We always weigh all of the short-term and long-term factors before embracing any new practices that are attractive and trendy, but problematic in the long term.
We have always preferred to preserve a shed, an embankment, to make plantation, to keep a hedge, and to maintain our forests’edges.
We did not give in to the call for relocated labour, preferring to call on local workers.
We try to favor local suppliers with whom we have worked for a long time as far as possible.
Our job is to be winegrowers: we cannot destroy what we need to grow.

Our values - Famille Quiot
Our values - Famille Quiot

Sharing our knowledge and Tourism.

Since wine is a social product, part and parcel of French culture and from our ancestral know-how, we are willing to share it with everyone.

  • Find us around the world, during our tours with our importers, wine maker dinners, tastings…
  • We welcome you to our cellars, directly to the estates for tastings, workshops or cellar and vineyard visits.
  • Follow us on social networks on our Facebook and Instagram pages where you will find our news, our awards and discover more about our wines and domains.
  • And finally, come and experience staying at one of our wine estates: it is now possible with the opening of our Guest houses.